Elijah David - Albian Acadamy
Albion Academy on Amazon

Is a Djinni just a trickster? Can a wizard only learn magic? Must a
Valkyrie always ferry the dead? For Mortimer, Merlin, and Bryn, it seems
the fates have already written the ends of their stories. When Mortimer
asks unorthodox questions, the Djinni Elders exile him to a human
school of magic—Albion Academy. Merlin's friendship with a mortal only
increases his mother's determination for him to live up to the heritage
of his ancestors. And Bryn's prophetic sisters outright declare that her
fate is tethered to Mortimer, Merlin, and the mysterious door in the
school's basement. As the three of them struggle against the constraints
of their families' expectations, they find themselves inexorably drawn
into a conflict that encompasses rogue Faeries, dangerous mortals, and
sorcerers hidden in Albion Academy itself. Defying their fates might be
the only way they survive their first year at Albion Academy.This Young
Adult Fantasy contains a Discussion Guide for Book Clubs, Journaling, or
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