Kelle Z. Riley will present

 Cheery Sunday greetings, writers!

In case you missed it in the newsletter, our own Kelle Z. Riley will be the featured speaker at this month's general guild meeting. Kelle is an excellent presenter and I always learn something from her sessions.

Here are the July program particulars:
Kelle Z. Riley will present
July 13, 7:00 PM,
via zoom.
Abstract: We all say we want to write, but saying and doing require very different mindsets. For writers who hold day jobs, family commitments, civic responsibilities, and other demands on your time, finding time to do what you love can be a challenge.
What holds you back from finishing that work-in-progress? From being published? From other goals? Kelle will help you explore techniques to tackle the enormous task of having a successful writing career without sacrificing your day job or your sanity. A must for all who wonder what’s holding them back from success!
Join Zoom Meeting

Hope to see many of you there. 

Calvin Beam, Writer @ Well That's My Story


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